Infant Community
Children from 3 months to 2 years
Maria Montessori believed that the human being develops with the greatest intensity in the first three years of life, so it is very important to provide the best start to life.
The Infant community is the first step to Montessori Education; here your child starts their social life beyond the family.
This group has 12 children age from 3 months to 2 years. The teacher ratio is 1 teacher to 3 children.
Our programme is organised into 6 areas:
- Movement
- Eye-Hand co-ordination
- Language
- Eating
- Art
- Music & Singing; plus Outdoor learning

The infants’ room is an open-plan area, with low shelves, a bar on the wall, steps to climb and wagons to push etc. This area meets your little one’s need to gain control over their body and freedom of movement. Children move freely to develop their gross motor skills – crawling, pulling themselves up, standing up, walking and climbing etc.

Eye-Hand co-ordination
This area offers a range of activities from posting activities to more complex activities such as threading, simple puzzles and containers to open and close etc. These activities encourage your little one to use two hands to work together to gain fine motor skills.

This area has real objects, model objects, picture posters, picture cards of their familiar and wider environment, and picture books in the book corner. Children have access to the book corner to look at the pictures by themselves. Language is brought to life daily with songs, stories and rhymes. A display of family photos, encourages the children to recognise members of their families.

We set up low tables and chairs. Children from around 7 to 8 months all sit together to enjoy their meal times together. They learn to use a folk and spoon to eat, and to drink from a small glass. It is joyful to watch these little ones being independent and eating with their friends at the same table. As they become ready, they are introduced to all the food served in the community. Children like to help prepare food, and we encourage them to help to peel the banana and tangerine skins.

This area has activities such as play dough, painting on an easel or large paper, mark making, sticking etc. The activities give children opportunities to use their senses to explore different textures, materials, colour, and also gain control of a variety of tools such as large children-sized pencil, crayons, chalks, paintbrushes, rolling-pins, and simple cutting tools etc.

Music / Singing
Children love music and singing. We have music groups every day in the Infant community. We provide children with simple musical instruments to accompany their singing. Twice a week, a piano teacher comes to the classroom to play piano in one of the music sessions.

The outdoor area is an extension of the indoor learning environment, with activities that cover the 6 areas of learning. The activities include pushing wagons, tricycles, a seesaw, balancing equipment, a climbing frame and a tunnel etc. In this way, children strengthen their large muscles and help to develop their physical skills.